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Grupo La Libreta de Lola

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Carlos Abad Molinero
Carlos Abad Molinero

Shreddage 2 Serial Number

Shreddage 2 Serial Number

Shreddage 2 is a virtual electric guitar library for Kontakt and Kontakt Player, developed by Impact Soundworks. It features over 10,000 samples of a drop-tuned 7-string guitar, covering various articulations, techniques, and effects. Shreddage 2 is designed to be a versatile and realistic tool for rock and metal music production.


To use Shreddage 2, you need to activate it in the Native Instruments Service Center, which requires a serial number. The serial number should be included in the confirmation email that you receive after purchasing the product from the Impact Soundworks website. You can also access your serial number from your Impact Soundworks account, under the Orders or My Products section.

If you do not receive a serial number, or if you have trouble activating Shreddage 2, you can contact the Impact Soundworks support team via their website or email. They will provide you with a new serial number or help you resolve any issues. Sometimes, they may run low on serial numbers and need to order more from Native Instruments, so please be patient and understanding.

Once you have activated Shreddage 2, you can load it in Kontakt or Kontakt Player and start playing. You can customize the sound and performance of the guitar using the built-in controls and effects, or use external plugins and processors. You can also use Shreddage 2 with Peavey ReValver HPse, a guitar amp simulator that is included with the product. You will need a separate serial number to authorize Peavey ReValver HPse, which should also be provided in your confirmation email or Impact Soundworks account.

Shreddage 2 is a powerful and expressive instrument that can add realism and energy to your music. Whether you are a guitarist or not, you can use Shreddage 2 to create authentic and inspiring guitar tracks. To learn more about Shreddage 2, you can visit the Impact Soundworks website, where you can find demos, videos, tutorials, and user reviews.


  • [1] Shreddage Bass and Shreddage 2: AES serial numbers not emailed; where to find help? - Impact Soundworks Forum - KVR Audio

  • [2] No Serial Number after purchase of Shreddage II & Bass this morning - Impact Soundworks Forum - KVR Audio

  • [3] Shreddage 2: Absolute Electric Guitar - KVR Audio

  • [4] Impact Soundworks

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